Become a Friend of the Village for 2024.
Friends of the Village (FOTV) membership is open to:
- All parents and carers of students enrolled at Lindfield Learning Village (LLV)
- local residents within the LLV catchment with an interest in the welfare of the school
- the Principal of LLV or the Principal’s nominee, (as an ex-officio member of the FOTV and its sub-committees)
- LLV staff
- Any employees of FOTV subject to them declaring any potential conflicts of interest when attending and participating in a meeting
Students under 18 are not eligible to be voting members. Students may attend as observers or to help facilitate in meetings.
You are recognised as a financial member of FOTV once you have paid your annual subscription and been added to the register of members by the FOTV secretary. Please retain the receipt for the current FOTV year as proof of your membership.
When you become a financial member you agree to follow the Constitution, By-laws, Code of Conduct and Subcommittee Rules as adopted by the Lindfield Learning Village P&C Association.